Exploring Intimacy: Sex Before and After Circumcision

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Exploring Intimacy: Sex Before and After Circumcision



Updated on March 12, 2024

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Circumcision - All you must know



You might have heard about Circumcision. And that it comes with both pros and cons.

Now, are you confused about whether to go for it or not? Well, that’s your personal choice.

But before making a decision, you must be aware of the advantages and the disadvantages Circumcision brings along. And understand whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In this blog, Karepedia will help you do exactly that - recognise Circumcision’s merits vs demerits. And whether it is worth going for the procedure.

Circumcision - What and Why

You might already know what Circumcision is. Still, let’s do a brief recap and simplify it for you for better understanding.

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin - the retractable fold of skin covering the tip of the penis. Once the procedure is done, it leaves the sensitive tip of your penis exposed.

Medically, it is recommended for easier hygiene of the penis, reduced risk of urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Also, for prevention of penile issues and even lowering the risk of penile cancer.

The Circumcision Debate: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Arguments in Favor of Circumcision

Want to know the benefits of Circumcision? Here they are:

  • It can lower your UTI risks: Yes, you’ve heard it right. And it is especially observed among infants. Circumcised infants are at a lower risk of getting Urinary Tract Infection compared to the uncircumcised ones.

  • It can curb the chances of getting STI: Practicing safe sex is of utmost importance for STI prevention. But, Circumcision has been observed to bring down the risk of certain sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV.

  • It can protect you from penile cancer: Although it's not the only way, Circumcised men are found to be at a lesser risk of penile cancer compared to the uncircumcised ones.

  • It safeguards you against certain penile conditions: Have you suffered or know someone suffering from foreskin issues like Phimosis and Balanitis? Phimosis occurs when you’re unable to pull back your foreskin. And balanitis is basically inflammation of foreskin. Circumcision can prevent both these conditions.

  • It makes maintaining penis hygiene an easier one: Circumcised men may find it easier to maintain good genital hygiene. Why? Because you don’t need to retract and clean your foreskin anymore, once you’re circumcised.

Arguments Against Circumcision

You must be well aware of the drawbacks that Circumcision brings along. Here they are:

  • Pain: It is, like any other surgery, a mildly painful process. As it removes sensitive tissues, it could be painful. Although anesthesia during the procedure, advanced Circumcision methods and pain relieving medications considerably keep the pain in control.

  • It could lead to certain complications: Bleeding, infection and scarring are certain common complication risks that come with Circumcision.

  • Is it ethical? : Circumcision is an irreversible procedure, changing a healthy body part. This could raise ethical concerns about informed consent and freedom of your body.

Procedure for Circumcision

Want to know how it’s done? Well, it is a simple procedure and can take about 10 to 15 minutes. A surgeon performs it in a hospital setting.

Here’s a step-by-step analysis of the Circumcision procedure.

  • The surgeon will first clean your penis. Then, the anesthetist will numb that area.
  • The surgeon will then pull back the foreskin and place a clamp on your penis tip.
  • The surgeon will remove your foreskin using scalpel/scissors.
  • Then he will stitch the remaining skin or staple it close for faster healing.

Risk Factors of Circumcision

The risk factors that you must keep in mind are:

  • Prematurity
  • Low birth weight
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Certain medical conditions

Is circumcision surgery right for everyone?

It's a personal matter for you to decide whether or not you or your baby should be circumcised, and you should discuss this with their doctor. Circumcision surgery carries a number of benefits and risks, but it's important to take these into account in order to make the right decision.

What to expect after circumcision?

  • After circumcision,your penis will be sore and red for a few days.

  • It may also ooze some blood or discharge.

  • The doctor may give you pain medicine to help you feel better.

  • It's important to keep the area clean and dry during this time. You can do this by washing it with a mild soap and water and patting it dry. Most boys/men heal completely within a week or two.

How To Make An Informed Decision?

  • The decision of whether or not to circumcise a child or yourself is a personal one.Make sure to understand if it's worth going for it.

  • You should carefully weigh the benefits and risks of the procedure and discuss the same with your healthcare provider

  • It is important to ensure that the decision is based on informed consent. Also, your or your child’s well being should be on top priority.

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FAQ about Circumcision

1. Is circumcision necessary?

Circumcision is an elective procedure, and the decision to circumcise should be made based on individual considerations and discussions with a healthcare provider.

2. At what age is circumcision typically performed?

Circumcision is most commonly performed in newborns, but it can be done at any age.

3. What is the recovery time for circumcision?

The recovery time for circumcision is typically short, with most individuals able to resume normal activities within a few days.

4. Are there any alternative methods to circumcision?

There are no widely accepted alternative methods to circumcision. However, some individuals may consider using topical creams to reduce the risk of foreskin-related issues.

Key Takeaways

Circumcision is a common surgical procedure, but it's not without its potential drawbacks.

Understanding the benefits and risks is crucial in making an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with the procedure.

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