The Link Between Sleep And Skin Health

In This Article

The Link Between Sleep And Skin Health

Ashitha Kareem

Ashitha Kareem

Updated on June 27, 2024

Medically verified by Dr. Pournami

Fact checked by Dr. Arya


10 min read

Everyone knows a good night’s sleep can make you feel good. But do you know it can help you look great?

Yes! A good sleep is not only crucial for your overall health and well-being, but also contributes to maintaining your skin health.

Want to know how exactly sleep guarantees a healthy skin? Karepedia is here to explain this.

Let’s discuss the authenticity of the above argument.

The Role of Sleep in Skin Health

Insufficient sleep has become a worldwide epidemic. Chronic sleep deprivation causes many medical conditions including diabetes and obesity while effects on skin are unknown.

Recent research in a clinical trial by University Hospitals Case Medical Centre found out that poor sleepers have a negative impact on their skin and facial features.

Another study commissioned by Estée Lauder demonstrated that poor sleepers show signs of early ageing and slower recovery from skin traumas. These traumas include various environmental stress factors including environmental toxicity, disruption of skin barrier and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

How Sleep Enhances Healthy Skin

People often talk about "beauty sleep." This means getting enough sleep to keep your skin looking good. When you sleep, your body fixes itself. Here’s what happens: BOX

  • Your body makes more hormones that help fix your skin.
  • Your immune system gets stronger, which helps fight off germs.
  • Your body manages stress better, which can also make you look better.

These things help you look your best and might make you feel better about how you look.

Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Skin

Doctors recommend seven to nine hours of good sleep each day. Rest is very essential for our body but ironically half of the population are either sleep deprived or have unhealthy sleeping patterns.

Not sleeping enough can make your skin look:

  • Pale
  • Wrinkly
  • Saggy
  • Puffy around the eyes
  • Dark under the eyes
  • And it can even make your hair fall out!

Skin Diseases Associated With Sleep Disorders

Atopic Dermatitis (AD)

  • Severe itching
  • Frequent waking during the night
  • Difficulty in falling asleep

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

  • Discomfort from skin and joint pain
  • Increased fatigue
  • Difficulty regulating body temperature at night

Chronic Urticaria

  • Itching and burning of the skin
  • Frequent awakenings due to discomfort
  • Anxiety and psychological distress related to symptoms

Infections and Infestations

  • Intense nighttime itching caused by scabies mites
  • Disrupted sleep due to mite activity and skin irritation

Pruritus in Various Dermatoses

  • Severe itching from conditions like eczema and psoriasis
  • Sleep loss affecting health and daily activities
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How To Evaluate Sleep Quality

Detection of Sleep Duration:

  • Utilised wrist actigraphy to monitor and analyse sleep duration and sleep-wake transitions.
  • Collected sleep data before, and at 2 and 4 weeks post-treatment.

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI):

  • A questionnaire developed to measure sleep quality across seven dimensions.
  • Scores are summed to indicate overall sleep quality, with higher scores reflecting poorer sleep.

How To Maintain A Good Sleep Cycle

1.Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in the human brain that regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment.

Going to bed and waking up at same time everyday can help regulate your body’s biological clock.

2.Healthy diet

Sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Healthy diet can make you sleep better.

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashews can help you sleep better and contribute to better and healthier skin.

3.Create a Restful Environment

Keep your room cool, dark and quiet. Avoid long screen time before bed Consider earplugs, eye shades, taking bath etc. for promoting better sleep.

4.Use bedtime skin care products

Maintaining a consistent skin care routine before night is a very important role in skin health.

Nighttime skin care routine can ensure your skin has enough time to recuperate from the pollutants, dirt, UV rays, and grime to which it is exposed during the day.

A proper skin-care routine promotes improved skin renewal and nutrient absorption while your body enters repair mode while you sleep.

The experts at Cetaphil discuss the advantages of nighttime skincare and how it can have significant healing effects on your skin.

5.Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated not only optimises skin health but also ensures a quality sleep.

Implication For Sunburn Recovery

Our country is under extreme temperature rise. We are facing many challenges including hearstrokes, fatigue, heat and many other conditions. Our skin is also facing many issues due to the extreme heat and sun exposure.

Sleep has a vital role in reducing the inflammation caused by sunburn due to the sun exposures.

Sleep encourages the production of cytokines.

Cytokines are proteins helpful in reducing inflammation and strengthening the healing process. The anti-inflammatory effect of cytokines help in reducing redness and swelling caused by sun exposures.

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining overall mental and physical health.

Sun exposure can cause many irritations and discomfort in our skin. Quality sleep can reduce these symptoms to a great extent.

By understanding the link between skin and sleep cycle, and by implementing good sleeping habits, you can enhance your skin health and reduce the impact of skin exposures.

By caring for our skin can we ensure our skin's ability to recover from environmental stress.

Sleep is the best and cheapest treatment for our skin. Come, let’s have a beauty sleep and keep glowing.

Key Takeaways

Sleep's Role in Skin Health: Sleep is crucial not only for overall health but also for maintaining skin health. Insufficient sleep has been linked to faster ageing and poorer recovery from environmental skin damage.

Physical Repair During Sleep: When you sleep, your body repairs itself. Sleep also helps to reduce impacts of inflammation due to sun exposure.

Consequences of Sleep Deprivation: Lack of sleep affects the skin adversely. Their skin appears to be pale,saggy,puffed with tiredness and dark circles under the eyes.

Maintaining a Good Sleep Cycle: Maintaining a sleep schedule,healthy diet,a restful ambience and a peaceful mind promotes good and quality sleep.

Nighttime Skincare Routine: Implementing a skincare routine before bed helps the skin recover from daily pollutants and stress, promoting better skin renewal overnight.

Sunburn Recovery and Sleep: Sleep reduces inflammation from sunburn by promoting cytokine production, which aids in the healing process, thus mitigating redness and swelling caused by sun exposure.

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